Private Market Channels for your Business
Whether your objective is to:
  • Increase top-line revenues
  • Reduce your cost of purchases
  • Move portions of your inventory through an alternative sales channel
GlobalAuctionLink has multiple programs all designed to improve your bottom line.
With our flexible technology platform and customizable "Sell-Power" and "Buy-Power" programs, we can quickly configure online
  • Progressive priced auctions
  • Fixed price auctions
  • Reverse auctions
Seller Programs
With our unique Sell-Power Program, we can create online "private-channel" auctions where your existing customers are invited to participate in a time-controlled, real-time bidding process where you are able to control the specific parameters of the bidding and auction process and move inventory through an alternative sales channel.
Buyer Programs
With our Buy-Power Program we can quickly shift the balance of power between you and your suppliers in a way that can result in bottom-line savings you didn't think were possible.
Partner Programs
Put your contacts and relationships to work in our Partner Programs where we can design revenue-sharing programs with you to serve the needs a particular vertical market or client.
To get started on any of our programs, Contact Us.
Sample 1: Bid Screen
Sample 2: Auction Setup Screen